3 surprise announcements at E3 2018 that would be excellent.

E3 has just about started and over the next few days we will see and hear about upcoming and new titles being developed. I for one am hoping to see some cool surprises hence I have made a list of 3 announcements that would be really great to see at this years E3 event. Yakuza on Switch The series has been steadily getting more and more popular in the west and it's popularity spiked even more with Yakuza 0. Soon we will have all Yakuza games on one platform as 3-5 are being ported to PS4 with 1080/60fps improvements, and an english release of the remake of 2 named Yakuza Kiwami 2, coming soon. It would be great for these to make there way to the switch as it should easily be able to run the engine used predominately on the PS3 and early PS4 Yakuza titles, while they would just need to rework or optimize the dragon engine a bit for 6 and Kiwami 2 for switch. Parappa the Rapper 3 for PS4 Sony and the Parappa developers have not forgotten about the amazing series, as in...